Monday, February 27, 2012

Hack Facebook very Easily

Hello all, 
Today i share with you all a nice interested thing is how to Hack a Facebook account very easily, This Method is not Phishing or Keylogger ! Just a Simple work,


First go to
Then Click on Forgot your Password ?  

After Do that you need to do  Identify the Victim Account ( Which account you want to hack) . For this you have to Enter his Mail or  His name, and a Friend Name or his Facebook username, 


 after do  that you go to the password reset option, in the Reset Option click on NO LONGER HAVE ACCESS TO THSE


Now you have to Enter your Email in the (How can we Reach You)

Now You have to Enter a Security question. Which facebook ask you, like blew 


You can know this answer from Victim easily ! ! How can you do ? Chat with your Friend, when you do Long time Chat ask your victim the security question. In the above question there is (In What city or Town was your Mother born? ) You can ask your victim that ("which city your mother Born ) Your victim answer this question 100% confirm.


First open 3 Different Facebook id, Use Girl pictures and Girl Name . Why ? Because all man like Girls. They interest in  Women, then send friend request from the 3 Ids to your Victim, If your Friend request accept your victims . now you can hack your Facebook !! 

In the 1st Step you have to chose 3 Trusted friend, 


Chose your id which you made already, Then send 3 Codes to 3 Different id, Then you got a Email in your inbox. (Which you use as a New Email) Then insert 3 Codes, after do that  you go to the Password recovery option. Then insert your password and Use your victim password :D :D

 Best regards

Rabiul karim


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