Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Some Important Talk about SEO

 Some Important Talk about SEO 

Learn SEO(Search Engine Optimization) is very import for you , when you are a blogger or a Online marketer, Because you need too many visitors for your blog. For increase your website/blog visitors you need to know about Search Engine Optimization(S.E.O). 

All of People in the internet world knew something about S.E.O. But some of People who don't know how to do S.E.O correctly . They know how to use title tag, description tag. Insert of Keyword tag, But many people don't know how to use the all tag correctly. 

Search Engine Optimization

For this today i talked about some important talk about S.E.O (search engine optimization) 

Chose a correct Title :  The first and important for your blog to use correct title, But some time we use a very long title !!it's not correct. We need to use the title between 40-60 words and we need to chose a title which is keyword relate. Example : If you open a blog about music. Then your keyword is like download song, download song for free.  So that you need to chose a title related to your website/blog keywords . 

Example of title : Download Free Song . 

One thing ! Don't use " for, many, much, and " at your title ! because some search engine not allow those word . They mark those word as a SPAM !! So be careful from those words. 

Use of keyword :  Many People thought that if they use more keyword for their website or blog. they will get many visitors for their blog ! But this thought is totally wrong !! If you use more than 30 keywords for your blog/website. Search Engine mark that as Spam ! So that you will loss your blog/website traffic. 

Don't use more than 20 Keywords for your blog. But 10 is better .

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If title has the keyword or variation of keyword then its great because this way keyword will be present in heading tag which is important from the SEO point of view.

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